"Urbanoculi" is an animated documentary project with homeless people in Mexico City. The project will be developed within an artist-in-residence program at Casa Vecina (www.casavecina.com) in collaboration with MiValedor (www.mivaledor.com) between September and December 2017.
2. Oktober 2017
Francisco Session Individual # 3 / guest: Fermín
Francisco told me he would like to do some outdoor animation in the slum of Santa Fé, which is about 2 hours drive from the center and walk back from there till the last metro station. I asked him if it is safe to walk there around with a camera and he answered: "sure, you look like a mexican and we will talk to the people". So we made a date for next monday. Then Francisco animated a scene with one of his little fetus and three pets, while Fermín took the pictures. This time he had an explanation for the use these fetus: