"Urbanoculi" is an animated documentary project with homeless people in Mexico City. The project will be developed within an artist-in-residence program at Casa Vecina (www.casavecina.com) in collaboration with MiValedor (www.mivaledor.com) between September and December 2017.
25. Oktober 2017
Filemón Session Individual # 3
Today we gave it another try and went to the grandmothers house for the violin. We were lucky: the grandmother, the mother and several aunts were at home and welcomed me like a princess. In their patio Filemón did his perfomance with the violin. I completely forgot to record sound, i didnt realize that he didnt play his violin for real, just faking to play it. Then his grandmother walked into the picture and the aunts handed flowers to her: cempasúchil, the flower of the day of the death: