"Urbanoculi" is an animated documentary project with homeless people in Mexico City. The project will be developed within an artist-in-residence program at Casa Vecina (www.casavecina.com) in collaboration with MiValedor (www.mivaledor.com) between September and December 2017.
9. November 2017
Miguel Session # 2
Miguel wanted to go to his house and i asked him if he needs help. I was not sure, if this house really exists, i had no idea what to expect. But i trusted him and we went by taxi to Morelos and entered his little room, which was full with stuff till the top. The mission was to make some order into the chaos. He said, he never stayed at this room, he preferes the street. I stayed for hours and helped putting bags full of stuff and wood and boxes from one corner to the other and covered it with plastic. In between i took some photos and recorded sound.