"Urbanoculi" is an animated documentary project with homeless people in Mexico City. The project will be developed within an artist-in-residence program at Casa Vecina (www.casavecina.com) in collaboration with MiValedor (www.mivaledor.com) between September and December 2017.
28. November 2017
URBANOCULI today at 19:00 @ Atrio de San Francisco
Tonight will be the premier of "Urbanóculi", a 25 min animated documentary about 9 protagonist: Camaxtli, Francisco, Hadassha, Miguel, Erasmo, Fermín, Alfredo, Christian and Filemón.
more infos: http://casavecina.com/en/proyecto/urbanoculi-presentacion-del-animadoc-al-aire-libre/
more infos: http://casavecina.com/en/proyecto/urbanoculi-presentacion-del-animadoc-al-aire-libre/
19. November 2017
Filemón Session Individual # 4
Yesterday Filemón animated his character. It was the last session! Now i make an animated documentary out of all the material we did since september. The final presentation will happen 28th of Nov @ 19:00 at Atrio de San Francisco.
16. November 2017
Miguel Session # 3
I visited Miguel on his living spot and very spontaneous we designed a face and animated it on the street! It is a very beautiful work, as we used only the objects, which he uses to clean shoes:
13. November 2017
10. November 2017
Presentation #2 @ Casa Vecina tonight 19:00
In a couple of hours the second presentation of the "Urbanóculi" project will happen! All animated material will be screened at the wall opposite of Casa Vecina, while music and drinks will hopefully bring us in celebration mood! A special highlight will be the music video "Dicen Que Son Calle" and the Zombie Clip, we did at the cemetery a couple of days ago:
And there will be a scpecial DJ guest: Juliancín Y Tropicaza will present "Valemix Vol 1"
And there will be a scpecial DJ guest: Juliancín Y Tropicaza will present "Valemix Vol 1"
9. November 2017
Erasmo Session Individual # 1
Erasmo already participated in some group sessions but never in an individual one. We started with an interview, which became very emotional. He was so released to be able to talk to someone about his life. I was extremly touched by his openness and confidence. We didnt find time to do any animation. Next time!
Miguel Session # 2
Miguel wanted to go to his house and i asked him if he needs help. I was not sure, if this house really exists, i had no idea what to expect. But i trusted him and we went by taxi to Morelos and entered his little room, which was full with stuff till the top. The mission was to make some order into the chaos. He said, he never stayed at this room, he preferes the street. I stayed for hours and helped putting bags full of stuff and wood and boxes from one corner to the other and covered it with plastic. In between i took some photos and recorded sound.
8. November 2017
Hadassha & Camaxtli Session
The same did Hadassha & Camaxtli: they animated a talking character, which we will use later
for talking sequences.
6. November 2017
Francisco Session Individual # 7
Today Francisco animated a talking character, which we will use later for talking sequences. For now it is still a face without a voice...
5. November 2017
Hadassha, Camaxtli & Herasmo Session / guest: Joe
Yesterday we had a very nice group session: Camaxtli arrived with "Pan de Muerto" and we started the day with a breakfast:
Then we went outside to do improvisations when suddenly Joe joined us, enriching the movements with his beatbox performance:
Then we went outside to do improvisations when suddenly Joe joined us, enriching the movements with his beatbox performance:
3. November 2017
Zombie Session
Today we finally did the zombie session in the cemetery Xoco! We found an old damaged grave, where the "zombies" could come out. We had to hurry a bit, as we didnt have permission to film, so the first take was also the last take!